I sense the time for protests has returned. I couldn't be more excited. I think I was born in the wrong generation. The 60's and 70's had it made. Burning my bra? Count me in. Picket sign wavin'? Where do I sign up!?
A couple weeks ago Autumn and I participated in the Target Nurse-In in Indianapolis. It wasn't quite as riveting as I expected it to be, but hey, it's a start. We just sat there in the cafe area and chatted with the other moms. It was almost like tea-time but with boobs. No workers approached us, no media...nada.
So what protest is going on now? Unless you live under a rock, a rock with no computer or Internet access, you have heard of SOPA/PIPA. I'm sure the link can better explain than I what it is, if you do not know. The protesting is taking place online rather than in person, much to my dismay. I black-outed my Facebook profile. However, I'd love to like...wear censored signs and look all angst in a real protest. Censored signs on my mouth and such, not other places. Pervs.
I really hope we win. America is getting ridiculous. We are the land of the free, right? We started out that way cause it sounds all peachy and rainbows, unicorns, glitter...you get my drift. But now it is like they are thinking, oh shit! People are getting too free. Like taking shit for free. I think congress didn't think about these bills. Not fully. Jobs will be lost, communication will be lost. We'll have to use the Post Office again to communicate! And use cell phones for calling!! Who does that anymore??
No, I'm not being sarcastic...sort of. I really don't want SOPA/PIPA to pass. I hope people still use other means of communication so we don't solely rely on the Internet, but I also know the perks, many perks, it provides. Like you being able to read my super cool magnificent blog. C'mon, you'd miss it. Shh, don't cry. It will be okay, I promise. I'll still be here in real life regardless.
Speaking of real life, there is one hell of a snow storm going on. I drove Tim's truck to work and good grief, I might as well got a dog sled. It would have done much better. I was fish tailing like it was going out of style. There wasn't even that much snow at the time! I should have just stayed at home and started a fire in our fireplace, made hot chocolate, and watch Supernanny. Love love love that show. Definitely using her techniques when Autumn gets older. Then I will teach her to pretend to be awful so I can bring Jo to my house and meet her. Mwahaha (insert more evil laughter).
Let me know what you think of Supernanny. And SOPA/PIPA. And the Target Nurse-In. Hell, tell me your life story.
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